About ~vern’s Email service

All ~vern users get an email address along with their account.


We host several email web clients you can use, We have our Roundcube server and the Modoboa webclient

The username field is where you put your full email address (e.g. <YOUR-USERNAME>@vern.cc).

Message Filters

There is no limit on the number of folders and filters you can create. To create filters you can go to this settings page (Go to Modoboa webclient, click on your email on the top right corner, then click Message Filters)

You can create filters to categorize incoming emails automatically.


An identity is simply a fancy word for changing the From field of an email. To create identities, you can go to this settings page (Go to Roundcube, click on Settings and then Identities.)

From here you can create a new identity. You can create an unlimited number of identities.


You can also use SMTP and IMAP-compatible clients like Thunderbird.

To use these clients, use the below options: * SMTP: STARTTLS on mail.vern.cc:587 * IMAP: SSL/TLS on mail.vern.cc:993

If it asks you for a password type, then just use “Normal password” otherwise it won’t work!


You can use POP3-compatible clients with ~vern mail.

To use them, use the below options: * STARTTLS on mail.vern.cc:110

Port 995 does not work, any connections there will time-out!

Some email clients such as gmail’s web client do not support STARTTLS on POP3, you should use a different client, ideally one that is free software for your own privacy’s sake! (You created a ~vern email to get away from privacy-invasive services, no?)